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Remove obstacles for businesses about tax and customs administrative procedures

On the morning of October 30, 2014, the Ministry of Finance coordinated with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) to organize an annual dialogue conference with businesses on tax and customs policies.
The Northern Dialogue Conference attracted more than 400 businesses, with the hottest topics in tax and customs. Most businesses assessed that the Ministry of Finance has been very active in reforming administrative procedures in these two areas. Specifically, recently, the modern automatic customs clearance system VNACCS/VCIS has been applied, helping to reduce the time for customs clearance of goods, efforts to cut tax payment hours for businesses with the introduction of Circular No. 119 /2014/TT-BTC dated August 25, 2014 and is currently promoting the development of documents guiding the implementation of the new Customs Law with obvious reform contents that will take effect on January 1, 2015…

Acknowledging this effort, VCCI Vice President Doan Duy Khuong said: Over the past time, the Ministry of Finance has made great efforts and proactively proposed to the Government many positive solutions to remove difficulties for businesses. However, supporting businesses to comply with the law in the context of the current difficult economic situation is still a requirement for the financial industry.

In the opening speech of the conference, Deputy Minister of Finance Do Hoang Anh Tuan provided information that although the economy grew 5.8% in the first 9 months of 2014 compared to 2013, there were also 57,000 enterprises. dissolved, only 29% of enterprises made profits, the number of enterprises with added value through tax only accounted for 24%... In the field of customs, the number of enterprises participating in import and export was basically stable as in previous years. . The deputy minister suggested businesses have a frank, constructive dialogue to help the Ministry of Finance in policy making, and at the same time take practical actions to remove difficulties and create the most favorable conditions for businesses.

Enterprises participating in the conference enthusiastically contributed ideas to the Ministry of Finance on the situation of administrative procedure reform. Enterprises said that, in the past time, the Ministry of Finance has made strong moves, eliminating cumbersome procedures and creating favorable conditions for businesses. However, there are still some problems related to issues such as: Post-customs clearance inspection; the application of goods codes in the Import and Export Tariff; guiding documents on tax and customs policies; tax declaration and payment procedures; social insurance reform...

Deputy Minister Do Hoang Anh Tuan gave a very specific answer to all the problems of enterprises, and affirmed that the task of reforming tax and customs administrative procedures has been the focus of the Ministry of Finance for many years. The next years.

The dialogue conference between the Ministry of Finance and the business community is an annual activity organized to further strengthen and accelerate the reform of tax and customs administrative procedures, creating a transparent and convenient business environment. benefit the business community. The conference is a channel to update information on new tax and customs legislation, strengthen cooperation between businesses and tax and customs authorities. A dialogue conference between the Ministry of Finance and Southern enterprises will be held in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh on the next 6/11.


Phuong Diem
source: General Department of Customs