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When the OSS has not been implemented, companies involved in the trade and transport process must provide information that meets the different requirements for documents and forms specific to ministries and sectors. However, due to the lack of synchronization and untimely information exchange, ministries and branches sometimes require enterprises to provide the same type of information in different forms and this often leads to an increase in costs. management costs and data inaccuracies and inconsistencies.
Ministries and sectors participating in the OSS will exchange data in a common and synchronous information environment. Therefore, in order to ensure consistency and consistency for all parties exchanging information in the Single Window, an agreement must be reached on a common dataset with standardized information criteria and harmonization. Accordingly, all forms and data used by different ministries and sectors will have to be analyzed to understand the reasonableness and required level of each data indicator. The relationships between the forms must also be considered in the overall picture.
Data standards are the basic foundation for smooth data exchange, ensuring data is compatible with the requirements of ministries and sectors, and enhancing the ability of stakeholders (domestic and foreign) to Accurate and efficient data exchange. Without a common set of data, it will be extremely difficult for all parties to exchange information in a smart and flexible way. Agreement to have a common data set is an essential condition for dialogue between trading partners without the risk of data duplication or inaccuracies. The most commonly used international standards such as: ISO, IMO-FAL, INCOTERMS, UN/CEFACT, UNTDED...
The introduction of the Customs Data Model of the World Customs Organization (currently version 3) is a tool and standard to help countries build a standardized, internationally harmonized data set that meets their requirements. requirements of governments for international cross-border trade with the aim of addressing the requirements of an automated environment. In the ASEAN perspective, the ASEAN Data Model has also been developed to meet the above requirement. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Recommendation 34 on the simplification and harmonization of data for international trade sets out the process and objectives of data standardization and harmonization. . Accordingly, standardization and harmonization of information criteria is the removal of redundant and duplicated criteria to create a system of standard information and message indicators based on available standards and practices, which are used in the future. used in the process of exchanging information on import-export and transit trade activities to meet the information requirements of relevant ministries, branches and government agencies when participating in the national single window mechanism. as well as cross-border data exchange cooperation.
Thus, the requirement for data standardization and harmonization is always set when there is a change in management requirements, amendment and supplement of information as well as expanding the scope of ministries, branches and agencies. the government participates in the OSS mechanism to ensure the smoothness, consistency and synchronization of information exchange.
By: Vu Thanh
Source: Vietnam Customs