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Tensions war shrimp
While the shrimp exporters are trying to boost production to complete the order signed last year with term delivery, the market appears raw shrimp farmers anchor awaiting the price. This led to tensions caused by lack of raw shrimp becomes more severe, the risk of affecting shrimp exports.

Ước tổng kim ngạch xuất khẩu tôm 9 tháng đầu năm 2013 đạt trên 2 tỷ USD.

Estimated total shrimp exports the first 9 months of 2013 reached over $ 2 billion , including white shrimp 952 million, up 80 % , prawn 928 million, up 2.1 % from the same period last year .

Difficult for exporters

In addition to the dead shrimp diseases affecting mass production of shrimp in the water , then the competitive procurement of raw materials from foreign traders , making shrimp shortage situation increasingly more stressful , contributes share prices of raw shrimp is almost double the increase difficult for enterprises , the farmers recently the " anchor " queue has put pressure on prices to businesses large and small to influence the industry processing and export of aquatic products in Vietnam !

Tra Vinh province has about 27,000 farming households turn over 2 billion pieces of prawn seed and about 856 million white shrimp in an area of ​​26,000 ha . Of these, approximately 800 million of seed damage , accounting for about 28 % of seed breeding , private rest is good development promises a bumper crop .

From mid- September , the coastal districts of Tra Vinh include : Coastal Bridge Horizontal , Chau Thanh and Tra Cu entered the shrimp harvest for 2013, while prices are high shrimp did peasants rejoiced .

But here it is happening "war " buy shrimp controversy between the base material procurement , processing and exporting shrimp to the traders in the province outside the province . "War " has pushed prices continually rising raw shrimp . Either raw shrimp prices increase , but farmers benefit base export shrimp processing in Tra Vinh is currently in the state of " hunger " material .

JSC Mekong Fisheries processing , seafood exports Tra Vinh province , said the competition not only buy raw shrimp occurred in recent times that have been around since the beginning of last year to now , making the purchase raw shrimp company's difficulties .

Although the purchase price of shrimp is very high company , and a half fold increase compared to 2012 but still can not buy shrimp ... Due to difficulties in procurement of raw shrimp should be in the first 8 months of 2013, the Company reached just over 53 % of export plans .

Linking farmers - now loose

By the end of the month 9/2013 , shrimp farming area of nearly 267,000 hectares Mau , yields 100,000 tons , accounting for less than 78 % of the year plan . If in 2012, the price of black tiger shrimp rose to 170,000 VND / kg depending on type , but now has nearly 240,000 VND / kg . Over the past two months , the price has risen above 40,000 . When you see shrimp prices increased continuously , instead of enlisting the shrimp sold at farmers not to risk " anchor " shrimp to pending price .

Implications of action " anchor " of the shrimp farmers have pushed businesses export seafood processing fall into deadlock , due to lack of raw materials for the upcoming contract signed delivery deadlines . Many businesses are forced to accept a loss and buy raw shrimp in the province .

According Corporation Minh Phu Seafood Group , the farmers anchor line not only cause difficulties for enterprises but also potential major risks for farmers when epidemics occur , especially rotation rates head down low .

" Farmers thought prices would continue to increase shrimp and shrimp anchor them back . This is very dangerous , because today most businesses is nearing completion of export orders before 10/15/2013 . After orders all the time , do not buy now , prices will drop , "said Le Van Quang , general director of JSC Minh Phu Seafood Corporation said .

Show Ca Mau 31/32 business process and seafood exports only 30-40 % capacity operation . Paradoxically, this has happened in a provincial area and the largest shrimp production . Department of Agriculture and Rural Development recommended Mau , people should not be hoarding mentality for capital appreciation , thus greatly affect export performance .

Once shrimp exporters having the farmers who have to lose even more than now . This suggests a link between businesses and farmers too loose , there is no common language .

(Source : Vietnam Economic Times )