Textile and garment is an early reach of 1 billion USD or more from 1996, an average increase of 21.8%/year, this item has continuously led the export turnover from 2009 to 2012. 2013, the export turnover of textile items reached approximately US $ 18 billion, up 18.9% compared to 2012.
Regarding the export market, Vietnam's textile and apparel products have been present in more than 50 countries and territories around the world, of which about 16 markets have reached a turnover of over 100 million USD. The main export markets of Vietnamese textiles include: USA, Korea, Japan, Germany, England, China, Spain, Netherlands, Taiwan, France ... in the above markets, at the top Regarding Vietnam's textile and garment export turnover in 2013 was the United States with a value of US $ 8.61 billion, accounting for 48% of the total export value of this industry. The second is the Japanese market, the turnover reaches 2.38 billion USD, accounting for 13.3%; Notably, this is the highest turnover of the items exported to Japan. Next is South Korea with 1.64 billion USD, accounting for 9.1%; to Germany reached 652 million USD, accounting for 3.6%; to Spain reached US $ 535 million; to England 471.3 million USD; Canada $ 391.2 million ... With the above results, Vietnam's textile exports to these markets, especially Japan, will continue to be positive in the near future.
The main export products of Vietnamese textiles to the Japanese market are made from cotton and knitted material including: T-shirts, sewing shirts, underground shirts, sweaters, complants, sets, sets Synchronous clothing, windbreaker, sports shirt, jacket ... These are export products with high turnover and good growth, of which the type of T -shirt, sewing shirt and other bra from cotton, Knitting (HS 610910) has the highest turnover with 133 million, up 45.2% compared to the same period in 2012. Ranked 2nd is towels in the toilet and kitchen towel, from woven fabric or fabrics Similar weaving from cotton fiber (HS 630260) reached over 132 million USD, up 12.7 over the same period. The headline, sweater and similar types of artificial and knitted fibers (HS 611030) ranked third in terms of turnover with a value of over 112 million USD, up 42.3% over the same period in 2012.

Some main textile products exported to Japan in 2013
Unit: million USD
HS code
Export turnover
2013 with 2012 (% +/- Experience)
T -shirts, sewing shirts and other bra from cotton, knitted
Towels in the toilet and kitchen towel, from woven fabric or similar hair woven fabrics, from cotton fibers.
The headline, sweater and similar types from artificial fibers, knitted.
Bundle shirts, heads, buttons (cardigan), genes and similar items, knitted or hooked from cotton.
The com -ed set, synchronized clothes, jackets, sports jackets, long pants, strap overalls, pants and shorts (except swimwear) for men or boys.
Complete set, synchronized clothes, jackets, sports jackets, long skirts, skirts, skirts, long pants, strap overalls, junk pants, and shorts (except swimwear) for women or girls.
The outer jacket, the robe when riding, sleeveless jackets, sleeveless cloaks, hooded coats, windbreakers, anti -wind jackets and similar types, for men or boys.
Underwear, briefs, nightgowns, pyjamas, bathrobes, indoor coats and similar types, for men or boys, knitting or hooks.
Vietnamese businesses need to pay attention when exporting textiles to Japan. As one of the advanced markets, Japan always requires sophistication in garments, so the orders are very small with different design needs and colors by Japanese women who love the unique, different. special. Japanese businesses often require very complicated, small orders with seasonal fashion products. Japanese people are always looking for customers in specialized fairs, maybe even in general fairs, textile products of the world into the Japanese market are promoted to transactions through the associations. market.
Source: http://www.vietnamexport.com